Published: Jun 08, 2017

Swiftwater’s Commitment to Excellence

With another season on tap, we just wanted to share with our customers our commitment to excellence. Now, don’t get me wrong, we aren’t perfect or is every trip excellent, although I think they are all pretty darn good, and we have had many, many excellent trips. My point is that we make a concentrated effort to strive towards excellence on every trip

With the above in mind, here are a few ways we strive for excellence on every professionally guided whitewater rafting trip on the St. Louis River, which is just 15 minutes south of Duluth, MN for you vacationers and for you locals: why haven’t you come rafting yet?!

Fun and Safety are our number one goals. Safety comes first: you aren’t having fun if you are hurt or in real danger. Our trip leaders have intimate knowledge of the St. Louis River, know the right lines in the rapids at the varying levels to hit the best waves and avoid dangerous river obstacles. We train our guides to know these lines and to handle a variety of whitewater and wilderness scenarios.

Our trip leaders are certified in Wilderness First Aid or Wilderness First Responder, these are first aid courses on steroids! Plus we have seen the gambit of injuries over the years on the river and have gotten pretty good at avoiding them.

We also train our guides to be as personable as possible and encourage them to interact with you, and answer any question you have about paddling or the river ecosystem.

Experience: Our trip leaders have decades of combined experience guiding whitewater rafting trips on the St. Louis River and other adventures in the Duluth, MN area and beyond. the more you have seen and experienced the more apt you are at dealing with problems, or even better recognizing a problem developing and handling it before it becomes an issue.

Read more about our guides here:

Interactive experience: we strive to make the trip about you and your crew. You are the trip. You and your crew are the engine for that raft; you are paddling your way down. It’s up to you to work with the guide to navigate the river. We also encourage you to take advantage of our knowledge of the natural history of the St. Louis River.

In addition, we add in a few extra experiences with in the trip to give you a whitewater and wilderness adventure experience. From the adventure swim, to the option for a brief side hike, and more, we strive to give you a fun safe time, every time!

If you have been whitewater rafting on the St. Louis River with us before we hope we have you an excellent trip and for those that haven’t taken a float with us what are you waiting for?

Call or book online now!

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